IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference

 Travelling; Info

The Pataca (MOP) is Macao's official currency. The Pataca is linked to the Hong Kong dollar (HKD). The exchange rate is MOP$103.20 = HK$100.00. Roughly 8 Patacas is equivalent to 1 US Dollar.


Macao has a fairly warm tropical climate. Autumn (October - December) is the most pleasant season. Days are sunny and warm and humidity levels are low. Winter (January - March) is cold but sunny. In April humidity increases and from May to September the climate becomes hot, humid and rainy with occasional tropical storms (typhoons).


Electricity in Macao is 220V, 50Hz. The power plugs used in Macao are of the three-pin, square-shaped (British) type.


Chinese and Portuguese are the official languages, Cantonese being most widely spoken. The official languages are used in government departments in all official documents and communications. English is generally used in trade, tourism and commerce.


The total population is estimated at around 562,900. About 94% are ethnic Chinese, from different provinces, namely Guangdong and Fujian. The remaining 6% includes Portuguese, European and other nationalities.

Tax Requirements for Foreign Congress Organizers

There is no tax on conferences and exhibitions in Macao. For more information, visit


Macao is eight hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and does not practice Daylight Savings Time.


Macao operates modern air-conditioned buses that connect Macao Peninsula with the island of Taipa/Cotai/Coloane. The average bus fare is 6 MOP (0.75USD) depending on the distance travelled. Most hotels operate their own fleet of complimentary shuttle bus service between the hotels, the ferry terminals, Macao International Airport and mainland China border gates.


All taxis are licensed metered taxis.

Cotai Strip Macao operates the largest fleet of shuttle buses and coaches in Macao. Complimentary shuttle bus service is provided to the public to and from other hotels on the Cotai Strip, Macao Peninsula, the ferry terminals, Macao International Airport, and all mainland China border gates every 10-15 minutes daily.